The Era Fortress is a British Standard High Security Mortice Lock which complies to the new BS 3621:2007 standard. The Era Fortress Deadlock also meets the exacting demands of the insurance companies and the police.
- Deadlocks have hardened steel plates to resist drilling, and two hardened steel plates in the deadbolt resist hack sawing
- BS3621:2007 standard meets the exacting demands of insurance companies and the Police
- Environmentally and merchandiser friendly 'Display Boxed' packaging is gradually replacing 'Visi' packed items
- Laminated hardened steel plates in the bolt
The Era Fortress is a British Standard High Security Mortice Lock which complies to the new BS 3621:2007 standard. The Era Fortress Deadlock also meets the exacting demands of the insurance companies and the police.
- Deadlocks have hardened steel plates to resist drilling, and two hardened steel plates in the deadbolt resist hack sawing
- BS3621:2007 standard meets the exacting demands of insurance companies and the Police
- Environmentally and merchandiser friendly 'Display Boxed' packaging is gradually replacing 'Visi' packed items
- Laminated hardened steel plates in the bolt