Top 5 Window Weak Points

Top 5 Window Weak Points

Plus 5 tips on how to secure them

5 Window Weak Points:

Weak Point 1: Non-locking windows. These really do need a lock or a handle with a lock, especially on the ground floor. The cost of installing an effective locking product is nothing when you consider the potential cost of compromising the security of your home and family.

Weak Point 2: Single glazed windows. Not only do these provide poor insulation, but they are very easily breakable. Ideally, new windows should be marked with PAS 24/British standard 7950 kite mark. An alternative to double glazing is to fit your windows with laminated or plastic-glazed glass to prevent them shattering and to deter burglars.

Weak Point 3: Sash windows. These can be considered one of the least secure types of windows, due to the fact that many can be easily opened from outside, either prised with a crowbar or an instrument inserted between the sashes. Consider investing in additional security products for these, such as a sash stopper. This is a low cost way of reinforcing the security of your window.

Weak Point 4: Skylight and cellar windows are often forgotten and less secure when contemplating home security options; however burglars can climb on to the roof or remove grates from cellar windows. Extra locks should be installed in these.

Weak Point 5: Poor conditions for fixings (such as a damaged or old wooden frame) mean lock fittings might require strengthening with some structural support, such as additional mortar and bolt-through fixings.

5 Tips on Window Security:

Tip 1: Use visible locks as a deterrent to thieves. If a potential intruder is able to see that it is difficult to enter the property, they are less likely to try.

Tips 2: Choose a multipoint window locking system. Many UPVC window closures have one handle, but do lock at multiple points along the frame with an espagnolette rod.

Tip 3: For non-locking windows, consider buying a locking window handle. These will secure the window frame together and lock the handle in place.

Tip 4: To check how safe your window is and how many fittings you may need, Metropolitan Police recommend that you press each opening window corner. If you feel movement at all, fit a suitable lock at each corner on the opening side.

Tip 5: Use a lockable cable window restrictor. These limit how far a window is able to open, and so not only provides an extra level of security from intruders, but also ensure home safety, and is ideal for households with small children and pets.